We hope you join us in 2024!

If you are testing with us August 30th through September 1st, please click here if you would like to pay for meals and camping online.

NA, UPT, and UT test on August 30-September 1, 2024 in Whitehall at Sanborn’s Fish Kreek Ranch is full once again! Thank you for supporting the Montana Sharptail Chapter!

Working Handlers (handlers who volunteer for one full day in addition to their test day): 

Natural Ability: $180 per dog
UPT/Utility: $235 per dog

Non-Working Handlers (handlers who are not volunteering):

Natural Ability: $230 per dog
UPT/Utility: $280 per dog

NAVHDA Membership: You will need two numbers, handler and dog.
Handlers: Handlers must be registered with NAVHDA International as a member to run a dog in any NAVHDA sponsored test. 
If you get the Versatile Hunting Dog magazine, you are a member.  If not, time to join!  We feel the magazine is well worth the membership.  http://navhdastore.org/membershippackages.aspx

Testing Dog: The dog you are testing must also be registered with NAVHDA International.  Information is available here: http://www.navhda.org/registry/registry-forms. Dogs without “full NAVHDA Registrations” may reserve and hold a space in a test but must be fully registered with NAVHDA the day before the test. Please contact the NAVHDA International Office and get your dog’s official NAVHDA Registration Number as soon as possible to ensure your spot in a test.

Waiting list:
If a test is full, you may put a dog on a “Waiting List” for that test.  No payment is required. Email MontanaSharptail@gmail.com to be placed on the waiting list. Dogs are placed on the waiting list on a “first come, first served” basis upon receipt of registration form, though tests are filled according to the NAVHDA mandated formula simply because NA, UPT, and UT spots are not all equal.

Test fee refund policy:
Refunds are given up until 14 days from the first day of the Test Series as long as the test is full. The refund cutoff dates for the 2024 July and August tests are July 12th and August 16th. No refunds will be issued after these dates. Any other request for a refund must be requested via email to MontanaSharptail@gmail.com and approved by the Montana Sharptail Board of Directors.

The “7 Day” policy:
Run days will be made official 7 days from a test, and you will be notified via email on your run day.  Any changes of Run Day after the official Run Day List is emailed, MUST be confirmed with and by the Test Secretary for that Test Series. The run order will be available the morning of the test.

Filling Tests and the “Foot in the Door” policy:
Handlers are allowed to register no more than 3 UT dogs, and/or 5 NA dogs in the same test weekend (additional dogs may be considered if the test weekend doesn’t fill). Tests are filled as per NAVHDA’s mandated Test Formula. This applies to test series that include Natural Ability, Utility Prep, and Utility Tests.  If your dog is on a waiting list, and a dog drops from a test (for example creating a “partial space” as one NA space is not equal to a UPT or UT space) your dog may gain “Foot in the Door” status until 7 days from the test, at which point the Test Secretary will fill the test and give “Run Days” to Owners and Handlers as per the NAVHDA mandated formula.

​Photos from 2023 tests.